Monday, September 24, 2007
Many moons ago, we were mulling the idea of a Pondok Polis in our area. Many believed that we do not have much of a chance. Among the reasons given were there is already a Balai Polis nearby and the Police Force is undermanned. Given the blatant disregard for traffic laws around our place every day and night and the offensive offenders not being reprimanded by any law-enforcement officers for the last 10 years, I can believe that there are not enough policemen around. To make up for the lack of numbers, technology was used instead. We had cameras flashing at vehicles crossing when the light is red. It did not last long. There weren't enough film for all the cameras or there were not enough policemen to load the cameras with films. Maybe, considering the advance in digital photography, digital cameras should be used instead.
For people bent on driving the wrong way, NO ENTRY or ONE WAY STREET signs didn't do much good. We need something like this:

This is a new version of the traffic spikes. Drive the wrong way and your tyres will turn to shreds. I will use this gadget to prevent people from coming and parking in my parking lot. First I have to figure out how to reverse the business end of the spikes at will.
I am sure you have more ideas to help our law enforcement officers. With the new priorities of arresting negligent parents and
kerepok-lekor loving rioters, they need all the help they can with mundane things like traffic offenders and snatch thieves.
Labels: gadgets, Law enforcement
Monday, September 17, 2007
Here we are on the 5th day of Ramadhan. The congregation of Surau Al-Hidayah, Vista Angkasa, Bukit Kerinchi has been doing their terawikh prayers under trying circumstances. The whole multilevel parking lot building where the
surau is has been without electricity for the last 5 months. Somehow, even with 4 guards around, thieves managed to cart off part of the electric cable.
The chairperson of our surau committee is an engineer with TNB but maintenance of the building is the responsibility of DBKL so we brought up the matter to the relevant people - by phone, by letter and in person. We were promised that the matter would be rectified in time for the fasting month. We were shown the minutes.
So far, nothing has been done. We sought intervention from our wakil rakyat. Nobody stood up to deliver. We still had to do our prayers with minimal power drawn from the Resident Association's office downstairs. The stairs are still dark, the car parks are still unlighted and people are anxious. We pray for light, not just for our surau but in the heart of those people who has the power to make things right. We pray that they can stand and deliver and not just sit on their bum. Amin!
Labels: inaction, Surau Al-Hidayah
Sunday, September 09, 2007
I had the chance to join fellow Malaysians and fellow bloggers in offering prayers for Tun Dr. Mahathir this evening at the Blog House in Bukit Damansara. After
maghrib prayers and
doa , leaders of other religions offered prayers for the speedy recovery of the Tun. Dato' Paduka Marina Mahathir spoke to the gathering at the end of the prayers. Visibly moved, she thanked everyone and gave an update on her dad's progress.
The food was worth lining up for. The caterer is part of Zang Toi's diversification. The guests could not finish all the food. Waste not, want not. So Nuraina sped off to get some containers from the nearby supermarket and we
tapau some food home. One young blogger told me that he would not have to buy dinner for the next 5 days.
President of All-Blogs chatting with some high-profile bloggers.
Ancient Mariner dispensing wisdom to a young blogger.
The audience in prayers or listening.
Despite being planned in a hurry (2 days), the event went well. Congratulations to the organisers and may our prayers be answered.
Amin!(See better pics
Labels: Blog House, Prayers for Tun Mahathir
Thursday, September 06, 2007

In spite of running the risk of freezing his brain in the Siberian cold, this mayor came up with the novel idea of improving the public service. I wish our country, which is not as frigid as Siberia, would adopt the idea. How many times have you heard "I don't know" from people that are supposed to know. It is their job to know. If you ask Mok Long Selamoh about Quantum Physics or about the validity of an A.P. and you get a "I don't know", Mok Long Selamoh should be forgiven. If you ask Mok Long Selamoh what is the best way to cook "Ikang Lemmoh" she would rattle off a few dishes that would do justice to the fish.
Similarly, if you ask a Chief Clerk in the Land Office about your application to convert your land he should be able to tell you where your file is now languishing. "I don't know" is not acceptable. The same goes for ministers when asked about matters under his ministry.
So, the next time a salesperson, an airline counter person or a government employee responded to your query with "I don't know", tell the person how lucky he/she is NOT to be in Siberia. Avoid the urge to send the said person to Siberia. Then politely tell the knowledge-handicapped employer to go and find out unless of course the guilty is a politician. In this case, wait for the next election and vote in a more knowledgeable person.
(Clip from THE STAR, 6th September 2007)
Labels: ignorance, Siberia
Monday, September 03, 2007

It is hard for me to sympathize with some cabbies when I read today's item in The STAR. On Friday I phoned for a cab to get to the airport and was charged more than what I paid for the airport cabs on my way home. The cab rattled all the way and the cabbie told me that he killed a few motorcyclists with the cab. I did not notice whether he was wearing socks or not but I remembered that his shirt was not tucked in.
When I got to Penang I bought a taxi coupon and was charged the Midnight Rate even though it was not midnight yet. I cursed Air Asia for "retiming" the flight. After breakfast we tried to get a cab to go to Lebuh Light and was told that the hotel provides limousines which cost RM39 to my destination. I need not impress my optician by arriving in a limo so I declined and walked a short distance away where I saw three red and white taxis parked. When I told them my destination, they quoted RM30. Did we look like tourists? Maybe. I was carrying my camera bag and Mimi was dragging her small suitcase because we checked out early. We had to catch the afternoon flight back and we did not want to waste time going back to the hotel even though it is a nice hotel. Anyway we walked across the road and waited for a cab that, hopefully, would want to use the meter. The cabbies then shouted their counter-offer (RM20). I used hand signals to tell them that I was willing to offer only RM15. They asked me to cross the road. I didn't feel like walking and a taxi came. He was willing to use the meter. Encik Shah, the cabbie, lives in Bukit Jambul where the hotel is and he sounds like a very reasonable and law-abiding cabbie. The fare came to only RM12.60. Encik Shah offered to give me a 60 sen discount but I declined and gave him a tip instead.
I read that London cabbies went through very strict tests before they are allowed to drive cabs. I have used London taxis before. They did not pick and choose destinations and they did not try to fleece me. I am not sure whether they had socks on.
Labels: cabs