Di Bawoh Rang Ikang Kering
Random Ramblings of A Retired Retainer


Monday, September 17, 2007
Here we are on the 5th day of Ramadhan. The congregation of Surau Al-Hidayah, Vista Angkasa, Bukit Kerinchi has been doing their terawikh prayers under trying circumstances. The whole multilevel parking lot building where the surau is has been without electricity for the last 5 months. Somehow, even with 4 guards around, thieves managed to cart off part of the electric cable.

The chairperson of our surau committee is an engineer with TNB but maintenance of the building is the responsibility of DBKL so we brought up the matter to the relevant people - by phone, by letter and in person. We were promised that the matter would be rectified in time for the fasting month. We were shown the minutes.
So far, nothing has been done. We sought intervention from our wakil rakyat. Nobody stood up to deliver. We still had to do our prayers with minimal power drawn from the Resident Association's office downstairs. The stairs are still dark, the car parks are still unlighted and people are anxious. We pray for light, not just for our surau but in the heart of those people who has the power to make things right. We pray that they can stand and deliver and not just sit on their bum. Amin!

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