Spirits, whether bunians or whatever should not be dismissed lightly. I had the same attitude years ago until I experienced them a few years later when I was teaching in Kuala Brang. There are things that rational minds just could not explain.
The idea to introduce Halloween into Malaysia is also inexplicable. Of course it is a ploy by the retailers to get more money just like on other "western" occasions like Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Valentines Day and such. Just to get more money to buy the new Merc SLK or a new mistress, you can transplant an alien culture. Don't you get enough money wringing Hungry Ghosts Festival?
I am sure that Halloween will not catch on in Terengganu. Terengganu people are wise enough not to waste their labu peringgi (pumpkin) by carving them into a lantern and let their kids dress up as hantu kekeng, hantu bungkus or whatever ghouls they chose and go knocking on people's doors crying out "Trick or Treat!". They will get a pailful of water doused on them instead of candies.
Anyway, to my friends in the US, Happy Halloween!
Labels: halloween, Siti Balqis

9 CommentsOldStyle:
Salam Pok Ku.
By Sir Pök Déng, at 4:07 PM
There's a latest report stating that the drama was a hoax. That makes me thinking what was happening actually.
No, I'm not being skeptic by this weird phenomenon because I myself pernah kena santau while I was studying in Sarawak and it took three years to get rid of it.
Quran (Al-Baqarah 102) says YES. Hadith (narrated by Ibnu Kathir) says YES. Experience says YES.
Anyway, I do not agree about that Halloween thing to be introduced in Malaysia. -
but to think of all the hantus that we can dressed up as... not introducing Halloween is a waste of resources... hehehe...
By mad redo1, at 4:34 PM
wonder how Hantu K*pek costume will look like... -
Pokku dear,
By Cat-from-Sydney, at 6:47 PM
Halloween? What a waste of pumpkin. I'd rather have pengat labu or kuih koci or labu masak lemak. yummm.... purrr....meow! -
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By mekyam, at 3:59 AM -
pokku, i too believe that there are all kinds of realities that defy our understanding, including the introduction of halloween to malaysia. :D
By mekyam, at 4:02 AM
but if it's inevitable since marketing juggernauts are often stronger than bota, maybe org trengganu/malaysia cld sub the pumpkins with something else.
or else, don't throw away the scraped kernels of the labus, but use them for making kuihs. after all, lanterns only need the outer fruit.
happy hallowing the unhallow to all malaysians too! -
24 Dzulkaedah 1431
By Ramli AR, at 12:59 PM
.... yes .... labu for pengat ...
Ramli AR -
By abdulhalimshah, at 5:27 PM
Biarkan siLuncai terjun dengan labu labunya, biarkan! biarkan!; macam ada kaitan saja dengan "Halauween" yang sibuk dirai'kan oleh orang orang yang menyebok nak jadi Mat Saleh celup ni.
Kata kita nak jadi masyarakat yang mengutamakan nilai nilai mulia menjelang 2020, tapi nampaknya bila merai'kan pesta "Hantu" ni, dah terbalik kot. -
if ever..
By Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
halloween is celebrated in Terengganu and there are kids in ghost costumes knocking on doors in The CITY of Kuala Terengganu..
they will get tiko kkuang instead of candies.
~po -
By Gukita, at 5:18 PM
Tentans Siti Balqis ghaib nih amat menyedihkan kerana terbukti dia telah menipu. Di NS, dia telah mendakwa ibunya telah meninggal kemalangan jalanraya (kecut hati semua sang ibu termasuk isteri saya) dan sekarang tinggal dengan bapa saudara yang kaya dan ada kolam renang serta orang gaji. Di dalam begnya ada 10 sim kad masih aktif termasuk 10 biji batu delima dalam kain kuning. Semasa episod ghaib, satu batu delima akan jatuh dari siling sebelum ghaib.
Siti telah menyusahkan semua orang dengan dukun-dukun dan bomoh datang membantu dan ada yang mendakwa berjaya menangkap jin-jin. Wartawan pun ada sama berjaga malam untuk mengkaji episod ghaib ini. Pengamal perubatan Islam pun sama memberikan bantuan... Semua mereka tertipu!!!
Bagaimanalah air muka ibu bapa berdepan dengan dunia satelah terbukti anaknya telah menipu... Alangkah aibnya. Sekarang ini tidak satu pun berita keluar tentang dia satelah episod lari ke NS yang dikata dibawa jin ke Gunung Jerai terbukti. Agaknya wartawan pun malu dan marah kerana selama ini memberikan liputan meluas tentang fenomina ini.
Apalah sebenarnya yang bermain di kepala Siti ini sehingga sanggup melakukan perkara tersebut? Adakah dia inginkan perhatian orang ramai? Apapun ia memberikan pengajaran kepada kita semua bahawa; walaupun Jin dan Iblis itu wujud pengaruh mereka kepada manusia hanyalah terbatas kepada kepercayaan kita kepada mereka..
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