Sunday, November 15, 2009

To lovers of Terengganu dialect who drop in and go away disappointed, I must apologise for being a little bit obsessed with this book. I must remind you that this blog is not just about Terengganu words but about everything that is in Terengganu and about Terengganu. So is
Kulit Manis: A Taste of Terengganu's Heritage which I feel is a must-have for any anak Terengganu who loves his state.
Yesterday I had the honour of meeting the Design Team from Singapore responsible for the look of the book. If
Kulit Manis was a bride, these lovely ladies would be the Mak Andams, the Image Consultants and to some extent, the midwives. Award Winner Sylvia Tan (Design and Art Direction) and May Chua (Project Coordinator) were busy designing the booths and the exhibition panels for the preview in Pulau Duyong and the launch in JW Marriot KL and we did not have that many opportunities to talk and I did not have the chance to learn much about layouts and fonts. They did tell me that they use Adobe InDesign©, a software that I am using to design newsletters etc. for friends (and for free). They told me that after more than 30 years (and I guessed countless fine books) of work, they are taking life easy. They are semi-retired now and they work whenever they choose to.
Kulit Manis was a project they were passionate about and when you see the book, you will know what passion and dedication can produce.
As for the book, the special preview will be at the Ri-yaz Heritage Marina and Exhibition Centre, Pulau Duyung, Kuala Terengganu for the whole duration of the Monsoon Cup (2-6 December). Time:10 am to 6pm daily and it is open to the public. Copies of the book can be bought at a discounted price of RM225 per copy.
Before the
anak-anak Terengganu and fans of Terengganu in Kuala Lumpur scowl into their
nasi dagang or
Gulai Rebah Bangun (both are in the book), the book will be offered at the same discount on launch day (Sunday December 20th, Mayang Sari Ballroom, JWW Marriot, KL). The recently installed DYMM Tengku Ampuan Besar Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus, Tuanku Aishah Rohani (from Terengganu) has graciously consented to launch the book.
I have a copy of the book, duly autographed by To' Puan Rosita and so far I have read and slowly savouring 10 pages. There are 242 more pages to go, so excuse me while I take my leave.
Labels: Kulit Manis: A Taste of Terengganu's Heritage, launch, preview
Sunday, November 08, 2009

Saturday was pretty hectic for me. I had to be in IPTAR. Angkasapuri from 8.30 am to 1 in the afternoon to enlighten my fellow-veterans on the workings of the Internet, how to use the browser, set up and use an email account and other stuffs that you now take for granted.
Alhamdullillah everyone was successful at doing what was planned except one friend who gave up temporarily. Google Mail refused to register him in spite of half the class extending help and encouragement. Razally, who volunteered to help me with the class wanted to learn how to download torrents. He followed me home to take down some necessary urls and fielded some questions.
At 2.30 pm I caught a cab to get to the Marriot, Bukit Bintang for the food tasting in preparation of the launch of
Kulit Manis: A Taste of Terengganu's Heritage. When asked to take the Smart Tunnel, the cabbie shook his head, telling me that it would be too expensive. I was too harried to argue. We got stuck at the Dewan Bahasa junction for more than 20 minutes. Later we discovered a row of Traffic policemen blocking off Jalan Hang Tuah and we had to detour towards Jalan Loke Yew. I arrived at the hotel past the appointed time and the fare was RM22. Like some unmarried ladies, I hate to be late. After some profuse apologies, I got to taste the food and more importantly, finally got
Kulit Manis: A Taste of Terengganu's Heritage in my hands. Even after already perusing the unbound pages, the finished book awed me. It is a book worth having. The recipes alone (all 88 of them) will be worth the price of the book (RM 250 per copy). How good are the recipes? Let me tell you. The chefs from Marriot were picking To' Puan Rosita's brain during and after the food tasting. Copious notes were taken. Everyone wants to make sure that the food served during the launch lunch is as authentic and as Terengganu as the
Api Lat atop Bukit Puteri as possible. I chose the
nasi dagang that To' Puan Rosita cooked as my late lunch that day. I think the Marriot chefs preferred that too. They persuaded To' Puan Rosita to cook some selected recipes from the book at the Marriot so that the chef can watch and learn.
The official launch will be at the Marriot on the 20th of December. There will also be a bazaar of Terengganu stuffs throughout the whole day. Do come and do spread the word.
For those attending the Monsoon Cup (2nd to 6th December), there will be a photo exhibition and the preview of the book open to the public for the duration of the Monsoon Cup, not just on the 6th as previously posted. You can buy a copy of the book at a discount of 10%. The books will be available in selected bookstores soon. If you cannot wait, send me an email and I will tell you how to get this one of a kind, collector's item book and at the same time lend a helping hand to Yayasan Prihatin, a charity worth contributing to.
Labels: Kulit Manis: A Taste of Terengganu's Heritage, Marriot, To' Puan Rosita
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A few of us lucky ones had the privilege of eyeballing the complete pages of
Kulit Manis: A Taste of Terengganu's Heritage last week. The pages were not cut nor bound yet. Neither were they uv-coated like they would be in the finished book. They were impressive nonetheless. It would be worth the wait.
The good news is you do not have to wait long. If you are in Kuala Terengganu for the Monsoon Cup, look out for the preview of the book on the last day. Watch this space for details. If you are not into monsoons or boat races, fret not. The official launch is slated for 20th December at the Marriot, Kuala Lumpur. A day-long bazaar of Terengganu stuffs is planned in conjunction with the launch lunch. Awang Goneng and Kak Teh's fans have a good chance of meeting this illustrious couple at the launch, insyaAllah.
Kulit Manis: A Taste of Terengganu's Heritage would not have seen the light of the day without the generosity of Yayasan Prihatin (Caring Foundation) and a number of corporate donors who, together, provided the major part of the seed money to get the book off the dream stage. Even the book designer and the printer, knowing that the book is done for a charitable cause slashed their bills to the bare bones. Those involved in the book would like you to be as generous as those before you. Let the spirit of Christmas move you to buy several copies of the book as presents. The needy school children under Yayasan Prihatin will greatly appreciate your gesture.
Labels: Kulit Manis, the launch, Yayasan Prihatin