Di Bawoh Rang Ikang Kering
Random Ramblings of A Retired Retainer


Tuesday, October 05, 2004
It has been days since the hoo haa over Screenshots started and I tried my best to keep silent. But someone said that opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. So here's mine.

Many years ago while still working, I remember producing titbits on IT in Malaysia and I remember that when MSC was set up, the government promised to the world not to censor the Internet. So far, so good. Even if copies of magazines are banned or markered out at the newstands, we still can get the online edition. Is this going to change now? I think not and I hope not. I have just got the blogging bug and I don't want anyone stopping me from rambling since I make sure I do not insult or libel anyone.

Has our fellow blogger Jeff Ooi insulted or libelled anyone? As he has stated in his postings, he has warned and subsequently banned the offending 'commentator'. Nobody gave his side of the story. I guessed the news was written WITHOUT reading postings in the blog or worse, if read, without understanding fully what was written.

I might not agree with Jeff Ooi all the time. Heck, I couldn't even agree with myself all the time. Many a times I argued with myself and lost. But I wish that people go easy with this knee jerking and get the facts right before inflaming senses and sensibilities.

Worry not Jeff, you will grow as old as me in USJ ( or wherever you choose) in time to come. Maybe you will mellow and reminisce. Maybe not. Until then, keep on blogging and good luck with the new server. Probably a hefty lawsuit settlement would cover the cost of a powerful server and wider bandwidth.

| 12:51 AM :: ::
5 CommentsOldStyle:
  • I feel it's wrong to blame a blogger for comments other people leave at his/her blog. But I don't think I'll blog about this. I just don't want to attract the wrong people to my blog. :)

    By Blogger Yume, at 12:21 PM  
  • It's a free world! Let them have their peace at stating their opinions, sometimes if not all the times. Uncle -- I couldnt agree with you more! Democracy has to be at work for it to be democracy.

    By Blogger Hazelinesnow, at 3:41 PM  
  • what do you think of this?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:58 PM  
  • Like ya said..opinions are like assholes..there are a lot out there. Those selected few can keep silent and quit passing their foul smelling opinions. Like my Grandma use to say, " People should clean their own back porch before checking another's " - Jackie -

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:26 PM  
  • Ok aloh la... pok-pok politik ni gak, wak pnamo ghima nyo la dok gege ghioh. Bendo takdo lah mano, oghe politik gak..po skalo lah, ambik wak moda selalu. Tok ppaka skepeng abok. Oghe laeng tuleh, tue blog hok keno.

    Acu kkecek kkigho gak dulu, ni gak mula nok wa selalu, tak dok tomakninoh. Ko guano?

    By Blogger Atok, at 6:36 AM  
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