Sunday, November 16, 2008
I have always declined all invitations to PESAT (Persatuan Anak-Anak Terengganu) functions for various reasons. But when Som (a former Vice President of PESAT) invited me to PESAT's Majlis Ramah Mesra on Sunday 16th November, I decide that this is a great opportunity to meet fellow Terengganunese who I have not seen in a long time.By the time Adnan Othman and I got to Rasta Food Court TTDI,the place was already packed to the brim. Since it was already lunch time, we were told to go take our food post-haste. There was enough food to feed the entire population of Merang and Ru Renggeh combined.All the signature dishes of Terengganu were there under one roof- Nasi Dagang, Nasi Minyak, Nasi Kapit,Pulut Lepa, Bronok (which Tan Sri Wan reportedly saw spelled as "Bronox") and other assorted Terengganu delights. Unfortunately, I had a very late breakfast and could not do justice to all the food. I just had a small plate of Nasi Dagang and very much later, the Pengat Durian.

The Menteri Besar came soon after and went round greeting everyone.

So thanks to PESAT for a very nice afternoon.
Labels: classmates, PESAT, RASTA TTDI., schoolmates