Di Bawoh Rang Ikang Kering
Random Ramblings of A Retired Retainer


Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pic from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Yesterday it was reported that the PM of Thailand had shoes and selipar Jepun thrown at him. I am not sure about the protocol but surely selipar Jepun does not befit a prime minister.

I hope this trend does not spread to our country. If they do, I have this advice. In case any Malaysian has the urge, the temerity and the heart to throw shoes at our Prime Minister (outgoing or incoming) please leave the selipar jepun for yourself. Do not go to the lockup barefooted. Throw only renowned shoes like Ferragamos, Bally, Florshiems, Obermain etc. Fung Keong won't do. Bata might be okay for MPs, not Prime Ministers. Ladies would know what to throw. Choose only the likes of Jimmy Choos and Pradas. Avoid flip-flops however much you think poetic justice it would be.

If eggs are your weapon of choice, make sure they are Grade A.

Of course you are welcomed to suggest alternatives. Just remember to think what if the shoe is on the other foot.
