Di Bawoh Rang Ikang Kering
Random Ramblings of A Retired Retainer


Friday, March 09, 2007
Alhamdullillah, Thanks to God, my daughter-who does not-blog was blessed with another son this morning. The 3.17 kg baby was delivered via caesarian at Bangsar's Pantai Medical Center. My 12th grandchild is named Syed Mohd Akiff while his elder brother is Syed Mohd Ariff. They both have a cousin named Aliff. I hope there will be no stiff-tongued Japanese around when these three are together in the house. At least two of my grandsons would then be confused when one is called.

Akiff, which I was told by the still woozy mother this afternoon, means "focussed". When I held him close to me just now and gazed into his eyes, they were not focussed yet. It will take a while before Akiff can recognize shapes and faces.

Tomorrow I am going to Kuala Terengganu because my friend Ramli is having a kenduri. Ramli has 12 children. Tomorrow he invites friends and relatives to makang pulut to celebrate one his daughters' marriage. When I meet my old friends there and they ask me how many cucus (grandchildren) I have, I can proudly answer "Se dozen (one dozen)".
