Di Bawoh Rang Ikang Kering
Random Ramblings of A Retired Retainer


Friday, November 26, 2004

Didi, my daughter # 4 should be back from Seattle today. I had an inkling of her homecoming from her blog and I got the details from her eldest sister. Didi does not communicate much with me. Sometimes I called her Jesus, the fatherless one. Nevertheless, reading the length and breadth of her blog, I think that deep down she loves me too. In her own way of course. Welcome home Didi!

Her latest post mentioned LAX, the airport in Los Angeles, the nearest MAS terminal for her. Los Angeles International Airport is the 5th busiest airport in the world. I have been through the Tom Bradley International Terminal once on my way to Hollywood. The immigration officers then were very friendly and after discovering that I had Multiple Entry visa and going in to do see some TV programs they asked what US TV shows we had. They were very surprised to know that we had shows such as "Dallas".

We stayed at a motel in downtown LA for the first few days before moving to an apartment in Beverly Hills which is closer to Hollywood. People from TV3, having given more money, stayed at a famous Beverly Hills hotel. I got to visit "Trader Vic", its famous restaurant though.

We spent the first few days shaking off the jetlag by walking around parts of LA. We went to a Malaysian satay shop in one often shopping arcades in Hyatt and we went shopping in Bullock's, a big departmental store. There I saw a lot of stuffs made in Thailand, Korea and Philippines. I bought a box of Pyramid (British brand) handkerchieves for myself and a dozen Zippo lighters for friends. We also got to a store where they had a clearance sale where I got two pairs of Ferragamo shoes for a mere USD50 each. After 16 years, I still have those shoes. One pair had to be resoled though.

While walking back to our Best Western Motel from the Hyatt one long car with the top down (a T-Bird, I think) made a U-turn and stopped near us. The driver asked for money to buy gas. He didn't even offer us a lift.

When I got back to the hotel, I found out that the Zippos were made in USA but the Pyramids handkerchieves bowled me over. Each has a small golden sticker that said "Made in Malaysia".

| 12:01 AM :: ::
8 CommentsOldStyle:
  • some malaysian mad stuffs are very high quality. Pok Ku, I was wondering if you could give me Terengganu similes(i guess that is what it is been called) such as Masang rebang, masin mekok, manih leting, etc.etc...etc. Thank you.

    By Blogger Fuad, at 1:45 AM  
  • I once bought a cordless phone in US and came back home only to find out that it has "Made in Malaysia" label. My dad even teased me "Leerr...penat jek beli jauh2...rupanye made in malaysia". I guess we better check everything properly next time ;)

    By Blogger shay, at 10:36 AM  
  • A proven fact that our country is quite dependent on exports, economically....even for something we cant find it here...

    Came accross a similar experience...proudly made the purchase for 2 reasons:
    1-it was relatively cheap and cheap and cheap...
    2-to announce to people back home 'Heyy look! Even the Americans trust us to use the things of Malaysian made. Why shouldnt we?'

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:56 PM  
  • Do we only export good stuff and leave behind the lesser quality? I wonder.

    When I was in UK, I frequented TESCo (at that time there was no tesco in Malaysia). Almost all the Tesco brand is made in malaysia.

    By Blogger Lollies, at 4:13 PM  
  • My brother bought a nice 'flowery' set of cutlery in US and told himself "waahhh...kat Msia tak da sudu-garfu macam ni".
    Came back to Msia... discovered that little word engraved 'Made In Malaysia'.

    By Blogger Honeytar, at 5:33 PM  
  • pokku:

    something wrong with this comment. I did write long comment abt this but never appear hear. I guess this is 'beratu' .. it happens to Honeytar before.

    p.s: Maybe it never meant to ne read by others


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:12 AM  
  • I bought Planet Hollywood Tokyo t-shirts as gifts for sis & bro, maser nok bukuh baru ternampok label "Made In Malaysia". They cost (in RM) twice as much as PH KL t-shirts, and maybe four times more than those in Petaling Street *sigh*

    By Blogger JIE, at 8:39 AM  
  • Baju Ralph Lauren di US juga rupanya buatan Malaysia.

    By Blogger Aku Tak Reti, at 10:14 AM  
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