Di Bawoh Rang Ikang Kering
Random Ramblings of A Retired Retainer


Friday, March 17, 2006
I did not have a proper breakfast yesterday. I could only manage a cup of coffee in the morning. By the time I thought I had an appetite and found an eating place, I could not find anything appetising. Worse, I was already luga.
Luga ( pronounced loo-ga and rhymes with the Spanish La Liga) is Terengganuspeak for the nauseating feeling you get when you ate the wrong thing on an empty stomach. You also get luga when you eat the right thing at the wrong time, like a few hours late. To really experience luga, Pok Li, my childhood friend and fishing kaki recommends eating buoh bruah (bruas, garcina hombroniana) on an empty stomach.
Luga is also used to describe a state of disappointment. Literally, it involves an empty stomach. Figuratively, empty hands. Nausea is optional I guess. Thus, as I sat in front of my TVwatching the Commonwealth Games first Women Hockey match, throwing up gases, I was wondering which team will go home luga. The Malaysian team is ranked behind Nigeria but our girls won 4-0. The commentators for that match got our girls name right but, alas, the on-screen graphic changed their sex. The goal-scorers was shown as Hashim Nurfarah, Abdul Rahman Nadia and Arumugam Kanaggi. There wasn't even a comma to right things. I guess western organisers have yet to learn about our name system.
Have a nice weekend and May you never experience luga, in any way.