Di Bawoh Rang Ikang Kering
Random Ramblings of A Retired Retainer


Monday, December 04, 2006
This is the new terminal for buses in Kuala Terengganu. I can remember two previous stesen bah - the one where the present HSBC bank is and after that next to Rex cinema. Given my notorious porous memory, please remind me if there were other bus stations in Kuala Terengganu.

On the present bus terminal was the Kuala Terengganu badminton hall where my father tried very hard to hand down to me his considerable racquet skills and behind it was the Customs Quarters. In previous life, this site housed a prison.

If you look at the snapshot above closely, you can see some addition that was not in the blueprint. Why do the shopowners/tenants hang plastic sheets behind their shops? I can think of two valid reasons: Piah (rain coming in) and Panah (too much sun in the evening). For either reason, I have a question: Wasn't the weather taken into consideration when designing this building? Let me know the excuses, please. I hate to see a nice building made ugly.

Still on terminals, I have been asked by commentator xyz to draw your attention to yet another terminal for bloghoppers. Go here. It is a worthwhile effort and if you read the same blogs that the author reads, you will save a lot of time browsing your bookmarks. It is a boon to me because after my hd crashed, I lost all my bookmarks, email and adresses. For techie stuff, my good friend TV Smith came up with a good feed page. Have a look.


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